I have a LOT of quilts, the majority are made by my family members and are all handquilted. Here are just a few of them for you to see.
This quilt is one made by my aunt and mother. It has feather stitching and lots of hand decorations on it and it is a real heavy quilt.
This one was made by my grandmother and it is a one person quilt, so only her hands touched it when it was made.
This one was made by my other grandmother when I was but a mere child. I have had this since I was 8 years old and that is a long time ago.
This is another one made by my grandmother out of feedsacks that she got feed in for her chickens. Talk about recycling.
Here are some lap quilts and also one of the trunks that I use to store them in. I have a ladder full of quilts, a closet full of quilts and 3 trunks full of quilts, all handmade and mostly by family members. I also have a beautiful Amish quilt that is just gorgeous.
I hope you enjoyed viewing some of my prized possessions. Let me know if any of you collect quilts.
Have a blessed day.