I finally finished up today!!! Hooray! Now I can get on with making my cookies and other things that I do. Here are some final touches that I did.
I I have a scripture stenciled around my dining room wall. That is what you above by my tree on the wall. Here is another view of my tree with just the lights on. Rather blurry!
The next pictures are of some cross stitching that I have done. These were done several years ago, especially when my daughter was a teenager and I would wait on her to come home at night. Have any of you been there???
This one was difficult to get a picture of because of where I have it hanging.
This is all for now. Everyone have a great week.
I love how each and everyone of you have decorated your homes. They are all different with our own personal touches and I really like looking at each and everyone of them.
Everyone have a great week and don’t eat too many of those great treats we have this time of year.
Christmas blessings to all of you.